

Theseus Advisory

Empowering Individuals and Organizations through Design Thinking and Collaboration

About the Founder

Anton Germishuizen believes in creating a balance between taking yourself too seriously and the ability to laugh at yourself. To succeed in life one must take your work, yourself and commitments seriously. But not at the expense of being human, balanced and acting with equanimity. It sounds simple but requires practice and a mindful approach because humor is a way of showing vulnerability.

For Anton, being vulnerable was a powerful tool he used to build trust with his colleagues and students in his 30-year career in executive leadership roles and as a professor. It elevated his ability to be authentic when connecting with others, and over time, it was one of the reasons his colleagues were drawn to him. They sought his guidance and advice for tough decisions, such as strategically positioning themselves for a senior leadership role or what moves to make after their company was acquired.

Anton’s career in both medium and large organizations, which were both acquired and did the acquiring, meant he had exposure to a constantly changing environment. It provided him with new opportunities to define himself within that context.

He developed frameworks and principles, such as strategies to implement within the first 90 days of entry to a new organization. It involves identifying and managing a communications campaign with co-workers, peers, and bosses. He helps foster stronger relationships and methods to get noticed in a way that isn’t self-serving but instead aligns with career and company’s objectives.

Anton created Theseus Advisory to empower individuals, teams, and companies to navigate change, set goals, and create a fulfilling professional life.

In working with Anton, you will be able to:

  • Develop a specific, 18-month plan to achieve your goals

  • Create a tailored communication strategy

  • Take tangible steps to rally stakeholders and leadership to acknowledge your efforts

Anton is all about empowerment—to figure out who you are and what you want, not just from your career but from life. You’ll learn what it means to truly invest in yourself.

What We Do

We offer a range of consulting, including leadership coaching, organizational strategy, navigating industry changes, and managing career expectations. We also provide guidance on mergers and acquisitions, industry transitions, and design thinking.

Our approach is based on a customized, tailored plan, and follows a five-step process:

Definition of engagement, Ten metric sprints
Definition of horizon: Short-term | Tactical, Mid-term | Operational, Long-term | Strategic
Ninety-day sprint
Definition of goals, objectives, and outcomes
Feedback loop

Contact The Theseus Advisory Team

Let Theseus Advisory be your partner in success. Contact us today to learn more about our offerings and discover how we can help you unlock your full potential.